Release UK
Week of Jan 28, 2008
None to report.
Release USA
Week of Jan 28, 2008
None to report.
Lego Star Wars: TCS
41 out of 42 Achievements
900 of 1000
The Orange Box
95 out of 99 Achievements
920 of 1000
Call Of Duty 4
37 out of 37 Achievements
1000 of 1000
Burnout Paradise
14 out of 50 Achivements
185 of 1000
NFS Prostreet
20 out of 48 Achivements
320 of 1000
No games that i particularly want are being released any time soon.
And that would conclude this weeks post.
Please comment and provide useful ways in which i can improve this and i will try and improve it in these ways.
by the way we need to sort out a time when both you, me, and cornbin can be on so we can get those 3 player challenges down in burnout.
and so we can dick around and discuss penises.
Hmm... i would say any time that we are all on it. That sounds great however i do need to do all the 2 player tasks. You two can also get the Citreone Feaver achivements as i have got it.