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Currently in my first year of studying Game Development and learning console based C# and C++ along side to potentially delve into software development.

Age 31, Male



Joined on 3/13/06

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Xbox post: Week 26

Posted by Simple - September 29th, 2008

I will say this now. I didn't make last weeks post due to ill health. Many of you may have noticed I have been playing two late releases, these being Warriors Orochi and Mercenaries 2. In my last post I mentioned that my copy of Mercenaries 2 had a major problem in which I kept falling through the floor. Warriors on the other hand is rather good, in comparison. It may be the same game as last time, but it some how seems better that: Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors and the original. If any of you guys are considering either of these games, i strongly recommend both of them.

You may have also seen me playing Halo 3 recently. This is due to the new achievements. However, upon actually playing Halo 3 again, I realise that it is actually a really fun online game. No matter how many whiney bitchy 10 year olds are on it.

Release UK
Week of September 29th 2008
Dancing Stage Universe 2 - 3rd October
FIFA 09 - 3rd October

Release USA
Week of September 29th 2008
Silent Hill: Homecoming - 30th September



Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise
31 out of 50 achievements.
580 out of 1000 possible gamerscore.

Warriors Orochi 2
2 out of 27 achievements.
80 out of 1000 possible gamerscore.

Mercenaries 2
27 out of 40 achievements.
515 out of 1000 possible gamerscore.



Left 4 Dead
Dead Space

Gears Of War 2
Far Cry 2
Duke Nukem Forever

Saints Row 2

Fable 2
Fallout 3

Command & Conquer: Red Alret 3
LOTR: Conquest

And that would conclude this weeks post.

Please comment and provide useful ways in which i can improve this and i will try and improve it in these ways.

/* */
Tom Sawyer - Rush

/* */
Highway Star - Deep Purple


You didn't put up your achievements for your games. I was actually wondering how well you were doing in a couple of games. Especially VP: TiP seeing as I'm getting it tomorrow.

I didn'y put them up, because i had no way of getting them . Xbox.com was down and i didn't think about mygamercard.net.

Anyway, they are up now, I will gladly help you to get any Piñatas as i have basically had them all. Except a few Flutterscotch variations.

Ah, right. Should've thought of that myself actually.

In itself, without glitches, how is Mercs 2? I've heard really mixed feelings about it. And the demo didn't do it much favours.

Ah, sound man. I think I might try to get them all myself but if I need help, I'll ask you.

Well if you liked the old one, you will like this one. However it is a lot different, for example you have to find and stockpile munitions for your air strikes and what not. Where as on the old one you could use them at will, if you had the money.

I would recommend it, but get a pre owned copy of the game, as its not worth the money you will end up paying on a brand new copy, if you don't like it. The demo's of many games, don't do the real game justice. Like the Bioshock demo. Fantastic game, shit demo.

No problem, if you need any Piñata just give me a hoot and a hollar and i will send them to you, with a bit of cash if you need it.

Nobody is going to take my car.

As it can break the sound barrier.

Nobody is going to take my car.

For i will race it into the ground.

Its quite the killing machine.

It has everything, from wheels to exhausts.