Ok then. This weekend just gone has been so much fun for me. I have spent it playing Viva Pinata: TiP. It has so much to offer for such a simple concept. Basicly you have to level up to get new and better Pinatas into your garden. It may not take so much time to reach the best few levels but when you do it is worth it. Last night i spent an hour makeing my garden pretty much perfect, but to do this i had to sell a high populaton of my Pinatas. There may not be that many new Pinatas but the ones that are new are fantastic! My personal favourite is the Choclodocus. It is basicly a dinosaur but in Pinata form. Anyway, onto the post!
One last note, don't hate me for the video.
Release UK
Week of September 8 2008
Baja - 12th September
Release USA
Baja - 8th September
Zoids Assault - 9th September
NHL 2K9 - 9th September
NHL 2009 - 9th September
Rock Band 2 - 14th September
Viva Pinata: TiP
16 out of 50 Achievements
230 of 1000
Gears Of War
40 out of 57 Achievements
800 of 1250
Castle Crashers
6 out of 12 Achievements
105 of 200
Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise
Left 4 Dead
Dead Space
Gears Of War 2
Far Cry 2
Duke Nukem Forever
Saints Row 2
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
Command & Conquer: Red Alret 3
LOTR: Conquest
And that would conclude this weeks post.
Please comment and provide useful ways in which i can improve this and i will try and improve it in these ways.
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Damn, I hate you! I went up to GameSpot on Sunday to get Viva Pinata: TiP but THEY DIDN'T FUCKING HAVE IT! Instead, I bought Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass and and Pokemon Pearl for the DS.
Sucks for you, your missing out. I went on the Friday and i got it from Game. It set me back a good £35 with the added cost of a vision camera and a shirt the costing me a total of £65. Im supprised i got it myself.